Listing Surveys
List all Surveys in an account.
GET /surveys
Returns Survey[]
No description.
Retrieving a Survey
Retrieve a specific Survey.
GET /surveys/<surveyId>
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
No description.
Copying a Survey
Copy a specific Survey.
GET /surveys/<surveyId>/copy[?surveyname=<NewSurveyName>&description=<NewSurveyDescription>©answers=<Boolean>©logic=<Boolean>]
Parameter | Example | Default value | Note | Information |
surveyId | 12345 | Mandatory, no default value | Make sure a survey with this Id actually exists | Id of the survey that is copied |
surveyname | Text | Same as the survey that is copied | This will be your TK number | |
description | Text | Same as the survey that is copied | Not needed | |
startdate | 2018-01-01T12:00:00Z | Current date | If left empty, current date will apply | |
enddate | 2018-01-01T12:00:00Z | Current date +14 days | If left empty, current date +14 days will apply | |
categoryid | 123 | -999 | Target maps the Id number | If left empty, the survey will not be categorized |
copyanswers | True/False | False | Copy the survey with the answers | |
copylogic | True/False | False | When using, make sure that the logic is fully working | |
copysendoutids | 123,1234,12345 | Empty | One or more Ids of sendouts, separated by comma sign(,) | |
active | Ture/False | Same as the survey that is copied | The feature is mainly used for the ordering page |
No description.
- Sendout Id(s) is(are) not valid for the survey that is beeing copied.
- Category Id does not exist.
- Logic is broken, pointing to questions or pages that are not in the survey.
Listing Questions
Retrieve the Question tree from a survey.
GET /surveys/<surveyId>/questions
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of survey from which questions are requested. |
No description.
Listing AnswerSets
List all AnswerSets in a survey.
GET /surveys/<surveyId>/answers[?from=<ISO8601Date>&to=<ISO8601Date>&updated=<ISO8601Date>&completed=true]
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of survey from which AnswerSets are requested. |
from | ISO8601 date | Optional | Retrieve AnswerSets created since specified date. |
to | ISO8601 date | Optional | Retrieve AnswerSets created up until specified date. |
updated | ISO8601 date | Optional | Retrieve AnswerSets updated since specified date. Cannot be used in conjuction with from / to. |
completed | Boolean | Optional | Retrieve completed AnswerSets only. |
No description.
Listing AnswerSets with answers
Lists all AnswerSets with answers in a survey.
GET /surveys/<surveyId>/answersWithData[?page=<Integer>&pagesize=<Integer>&from=<ISO8601Date>&to=<ISO8601Date>&updated=<ISO8601Date>&completed=<Boolean>]
Parameter | Value type | Example | Default value |
surveyId | Unique identifier | 12345 | Mandatory, no default value |
page | Number | 1 | 1 |
pagesize | Number | 10 | 100 |
from | ISO8601 date | 2012-02-09T12:22:09Z | Empty |
to | ISO8601 date | 2012-02-09T12:22:09Z | Empty |
updated | ISO8601 date | 2012-02-09T12:22:09Z | Empty |
completed | Boolean | True/False | False |
No description.
- If from and to are set, updated cannot have a value.
- If updated is set, from and to cannot have values.
- The date in from cannot be after the date in to.
- All the dates are compared to the date when the survey was created.
Retrieving an AnswerSet
Retrieve a specific AnswerSet.
GET /surveys/<surveyId>/answers/<answerSetId>
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
answerSetId | Integer | Mandatory | AnswerSetId of requested AnswerSet. |
No description.
Retrieving a Respondent's Answers
Retrieve all AnswerSets for a specific Respondent.
GET /surveys/<surveyId>/answers/respondent/<respondentId>
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
respondentId | Integer | Mandatory | RespondentId of Respondent whose answers are requested. |
No description.
Retrieving an Answer
Retrieve a respondent's answers for a specific question.
GET /surveys/<surveyId>/answers/<answerSetId>/questionitem/<questionItemId>
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
answerSetId | Integer | Mandatory | AnswerSetId of requested AnswerSet. |
questionItemId | Integer | Mandatory | QuestionItemId of QuestionItem from which answer is requested. |
No description.
Listing Sendouts
List all Sendouts for a Survey.
GET /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of Survey from which Sendouts are requested. |
No description.
Retrieving a Sendout
Retrieve a specific sendout for a survey.
GET /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
sendoutId | Integer | Mandatory | SendoutId of requested Sendout. |
No description.
Creating a Sendout
Create a new Sendout for a Survey.
POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
name | String | Mandatory | Name of the Sendout. |
type | String | Mandatory | Valid DispatchType. |
sendDate | ISO8601 date | Mandatory | Send date. Leave empty for LOGIN. |
sender | String | Mandatory | Valid email address or SMS sender. Leave empty for LOGIN. |
subject | String | See remark | Optional for SMS. Leave empty for LOGIN. |
message | String | See remark | Email body or SMS message, including survey link and optional opt-out link. Leave empty for LOGIN. |
No description.
Activating a Sendout
After you have created a Sendout, you need to activate it.
POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/activate
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
sendoutId | Integer | Mandatory | SendoutId of Sendout you wish to activate. |
No description.
Deactivating a Sendout
Once you have activated a Sendout, you can deactivate it through the API.
POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/deactivate
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
sendoutId | Integer | Mandatory | SendoutId of Sendout you wish to deactivate. |
No description.
Listing Respondents
List all Respondents in a Sendout.
GET /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/respondents
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
sendoutId | Integer | Mandatory | SendoutId of Sendout from which respondents are requested. |
No description.
Adding Respondents
Add a new Respondent with optional background data to a Sendout.
Remember to (re-)activate the sendout after adding a batch of respondents to it.
POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/respondents
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
sendoutId | Integer | Mandatory | SendoutId of Sendout to which a respondent is added. |
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
contactDetails | String | Mandatory | Valid email address, SMS recipient or login identifier. |
sendMail | Boolean | Mandatory | Indicates whether Netigate should send the survey link to the respondent, or if you distribute it yourself. |
backgroundData | Dictionary<int, string> | Optional | Key = BGDataLabelId, Value = respondent's background data (not empty or null) |
No description.
Adding Multiple Respondents
Add new Respondents with optional background data to a Sendout in a batch.
Remember to (re-)activate the sendout after adding a batch of respondents to it.
(A maximum of 1000 respondents can be added in a single batch)
POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/respondents/batch
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
sendoutId | Integer | Mandatory | SendoutId of Sendout to which a respondent is added. |
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyRespondents | List<RespondentRequest> | Mandatory | Valid RespondentRequest |
No description.
Listing Reminders
List all Reminders for a Sendout.
GET /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/reminders
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
sendoutId | Integer | Mandatory | SendoutId of Sendout from which reminders are requested. |
No description.
Creating a Reminder
Create a Reminder for a Sendout.
POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/reminders
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
sendoutId | Integer | Mandatory | SendoutId of Sendout to which a reminder is added. |
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
sendoutLogic | String | Mandatory | Valid SendoutLogic describing whom will receive the reminder. |
sendDate | ISO8601 date | Mandatory | Send date. |
sender | String | Mandatory | Valid email address or SMS sender. |
subject | String | See remark | Optional for SMS. |
message | String | Mandatory | Email body or SMS message, including survey link. |
No description.
Listing Background Data Labels
List all background data labels in a Sendout.
GET /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/labels
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
sendoutId | Integer | Mandatory | SendoutId of Sendout from which background data labels are requested. |
No description.
Creating a Background Data Label
Create a background data label in a Sendout.
POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/labels
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
sendoutId | Integer | Mandatory | SendoutId of Sendout to which a background data label is added. |
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
name | String | Mandatory | Name of the background data label. |
labelType | String | Mandatory | Valid LabelType. |
No description.
Listing Categories
List all Categories in an Account.
GET /accounts/categories
No description.
No description.
Retrieving a Category
Retrieve a specific Category in an Account.
GET /accounts/categories/<categoryId>
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
categoryId | Integer | Mandatory | CategoryId of requested Category. |
No description.
Creating a Category
Create a new Category in an Account.
POST /accounts/categories
No description.
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
name | String | Mandatory | Name of the Category. |
No description.
Listing Users
List all Users in an Account.
GET /accounts/users
No description.
No description.
Retrieving a User
Retrieve a specific User in an Account.
GET /accounts/users/<userId>
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
userId | Integer | Mandatory | UserId of requested User. |
No description.
Background Data
List Background Data Documents
List all Background Data Documents in the account.
GET /bgdata/bgdocuments
No description.
No description.
Retrieve a Background Data Document
Retrieve a specific Background Data Document
GET /bgdata/bgdocuments/<bgDocumentId>
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
bgDocumentId | Integer | Mandatory | DocumentId of requested Document. |
No description.
List Document Labels
Retrieve all Labels for a specific Document.
GET /bgdata/bgdocuments/<bgDocumentId>/labels
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
bgDocumentId | Integer | Mandatory | DocumentId of requested Labels Document. |
No description.
List Cells
Retrieve specific Cells from a specific row in a bgdocument.
POST /bgdata/bgdocuments/<bgDocumentId>/rows/<respondentId>
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
bgDocumentId | Integer | Mandatory | DocumentId of requested Document. |
respondentId | Integer | Mandatory | Row identifier for a specific row/respondent. |
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
labels | List<int> | Mandatory | List of the Label Id:s to specify which cells to return. |
No description.
Add row to a Document
Adds a new row of cells in the background data document.
POST /bgdata/bgdocuments/<bgDocumentId>/rows
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
bgDocumentId | Integer | Mandatory | DocumentId of requested Document. |
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
contactDetails | string | Mandatory | Every row/respondent need contact details. Valid email address, SMS recipient or login identifier. |
cellData | Dictionary<int, string> | Mandatory | Dictionary of the Label Id:s and Cell Data to specify which cells to edit with what data. |
No description.
List all blocked and opt-out respondents in account.
GET /accounts/blocklist
No description.
No description.
Email bounces
Get permanent failures
Returns page of permanent failures
GET /email-bounces/permanent-failures?pageNumber=<Integer>&pageSize=<Integer>&sendingDomain=<String>&from=<ISO8601Date>
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
pageNumber | Integer | Mandatory | Number of page to retrieve |
pageSize | Integer | Mandatory | Size of page to retrieve (1000 is MAX) |
sendingDomain | String | Optional | Filter permanent failures by sending domain |
from | ISO8601 date | Optional | Filter sendouts by date |
Property | Type | Remark | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
failures | Array |
Collection of email permanent failures objects
pageNumber | Integer | Number of returned page | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pageSize | Integer | Size of fetched size | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pageCount | Integer | Total number of pages for requested pageSize | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
totalCount | Integer | Total number of permanent failures |
Data Retention
Get account policies
Returns account wide data retention policies
GET /data-retention/account
No description.
Property | Type | Remark |
partialDeleteAfterDays | nullable Int | Number of days after survey end that a partial delete will occur |
completeDeleteAfterDays | nullable Int | Number of days after survey end that a complete delete will occur |
includeOpenTextInPartialDelete | Boolean | Indicates whether open text answers will be deleted as part of the partial delete. |
Set account policies
Sets account wide data retention policies
POST /data-retention/account
No description.
Property | Type | Remark |
partialDeleteAfterDays | nullable Int | Number of days after survey end that a partial delete will occur. Must be positive when set or null to clear setting |
completeDeleteAfterDays | nullable Int | Number of days after survey end that a complete delete will occur. Must be positive when set or null to clear setting |
includeOpenTextInPartialDelete | Boolean | Indicates whether open text answers will be deleted as part of the partial delete. |
No description.
No description.
Get survey policies
Returns survey specific data retention policies
GET /data-retention/surveys/<surveyId>
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
Property | Type | Remark |
surveyPolicy.partialDeleteDate | nullable Date only (string) | The date after which a partial survey delete will occur |
surveyPolicy.completeDeleteDate | nullable Date only (string) | The date after which a complete survey delete will occur |
respondentPolicy.partialDeleteAfterDays | nullable Int | Number of days after survey end that a partial respondent delete will occur |
respondentPolicy.partialDeleteAfterDays | nullable Int | Number of days after survey end that a complete respondent delete will occur |
excludeFromRetentionPolicies | Boolean | Indicates whether the survey should be excluded from any data retention policies. |
Set survey policies
Sets survey specific data retention policies
POST /data-retention/surveys/<surveyId>
Parameter | Type | Optionality | Remark |
surveyId | Integer | Mandatory | SurveyId of requested Survey. |
Property | Type | Remark |
surveyPolicy.partialDeleteDate | nullable Date only (string) | The date after which a partial survey delete will occur. Must be greater then survey end date or null to clear setting |
surveyPolicy.completeDeleteDate | nullable Date only (string) | The date after which a complete survey delete will occur. Must be greater then survey end date or null to clear setting |
respondentPolicy.partialDeleteAfterDays | nullable Int | Number of days after survey end that a partial respondent delete will occur. Must be positive when set or null to clear setting |
respondentPolicy.partialDeleteAfterDays | nullable Int | Number of days after survey end that a complete respondent delete will occur. Must be positive when set or null to clear setting |
excludeFromRetentionPolicies | Boolean | Indicates whether the survey should be excluded from any data retention policies. |
No description.
No description.