

Listing Surveys

List all Surveys in an account.

GET /surveys
Returns Survey[]

No description.

Retrieving a Survey

Retrieve a specific Survey.

GET /surveys/<surveyId>
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.

No description.

Copying a Survey

Copy a specific Survey.

GET /surveys/<surveyId>/copy[?surveyname=<NewSurveyName>&description=<NewSurveyDescription>&copyanswers=<Boolean>&copylogic=<Boolean>]
Parameter Example Default value Note Information
surveyId 12345 Mandatory, no default value Make sure a survey with this Id actually exists Id of the survey that is copied
surveyname Text Same as the survey that is copied This will be your TK number
description Text Same as the survey that is copied Not needed
startdate 2018-01-01T12:00:00Z Current date If left empty, current date will apply
enddate 2018-01-01T12:00:00Z Current date +14 days If left empty, current date +14 days will apply
categoryid 123 -999 Target maps the Id number If left empty, the survey will not be categorized
copyanswers True/False False Copy the survey with the answers
copylogic True/False False When using, make sure that the logic is fully working
copysendoutids 123,1234,12345 Empty One or more Ids of sendouts, separated by comma sign(,)
active Ture/False Same as the survey that is copied The feature is mainly used for the ordering page

No description.
The Survey will not be copied successfully if one or more of the conditions below are true:
  • Sendout Id(s) is(are) not valid for the survey that is beeing copied.
  • Category Id does not exist.
  • Logic is broken, pointing to questions or pages that are not in the survey.


Listing Questions

Retrieve the Question tree from a survey.

GET /surveys/<surveyId>/questions
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of survey from which questions are requested.

No description.


Listing AnswerSets

List all AnswerSets in a survey.

GET /surveys/<surveyId>/answers[?from=<ISO8601Date>&to=<ISO8601Date>&updated=<ISO8601Date>&completed=true]
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of survey from which AnswerSets are requested.
from ISO8601 date Optional Retrieve AnswerSets created since specified date.
to ISO8601 date Optional Retrieve AnswerSets created up until specified date.
updated ISO8601 date Optional Retrieve AnswerSets updated since specified date. Cannot be used in conjuction with from / to.
completed Boolean Optional Retrieve completed AnswerSets only.

No description.

Listing AnswerSets with answers

Lists all AnswerSets with answers in a survey.

GET /surveys/<surveyId>/answersWithData[?page=<Integer>&pagesize=<Integer>&from=<ISO8601Date>&to=<ISO8601Date>&updated=<ISO8601Date>&completed=<Boolean>]
Parameter Value type Example Default value
surveyId Unique identifier 12345 Mandatory, no default value
page Number 1 1
pagesize Number 10 100
from ISO8601 date 2012-02-09T12:22:09Z Empty
to ISO8601 date 2012-02-09T12:22:09Z Empty
updated ISO8601 date 2012-02-09T12:22:09Z Empty
completed Boolean True/False False

No description.
Keep the following in mind when using this functionality:
  • If from and to are set, updated cannot have a value.
  • If updated is set, from and to cannot have values.
  • The date in from cannot be after the date in to.
  • All the dates are compared to the date when the survey was created.

Retrieving an AnswerSet

Retrieve a specific AnswerSet.

GET /surveys/<surveyId>/answers/<answerSetId>
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.
answerSetId Integer Mandatory AnswerSetId of requested AnswerSet.

No description.

Retrieving a Respondent's Answers

Retrieve all AnswerSets for a specific Respondent.

GET /surveys/<surveyId>/answers/respondent/<respondentId>
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.
respondentId Integer Mandatory RespondentId of Respondent whose answers are requested.

No description.

Retrieving an Answer

Retrieve a respondent's answers for a specific question.

GET /surveys/<surveyId>/answers/<answerSetId>/questionitem/<questionItemId>
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.
answerSetId Integer Mandatory AnswerSetId of requested AnswerSet.
questionItemId Integer Mandatory QuestionItemId of QuestionItem from which answer is requested.

No description.


Listing Sendouts

List all Sendouts for a Survey.

GET /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of Survey from which Sendouts are requested.

No description.

Retrieving a Sendout

Retrieve a specific sendout for a survey.

GET /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.
sendoutId Integer Mandatory SendoutId of requested Sendout.

No description.

Creating a Sendout

Create a new Sendout for a Survey.

POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.

Parameter Type Optionality Remark
name String Mandatory Name of the Sendout.
type String Mandatory Valid DispatchType.
sendDate ISO8601 date Mandatory Send date. Leave empty for LOGIN.
sender String Mandatory Valid email address or SMS sender. Leave empty for LOGIN.
subject String See remark Optional for SMS. Leave empty for LOGIN.
message String See remark Email body or SMS message, including survey link and optional opt-out link. Leave empty for LOGIN.

No description.

Activating a Sendout

After you have created a Sendout, you need to activate it.

POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/activate
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.
sendoutId Integer Mandatory SendoutId of Sendout you wish to activate.

No description.

Deactivating a Sendout

Once you have activated a Sendout, you can deactivate it through the API.

POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/deactivate
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.
sendoutId Integer Mandatory SendoutId of Sendout you wish to deactivate.

No description.

Listing Respondents

List all Respondents in a Sendout.

GET /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/respondents
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.
sendoutId Integer Mandatory SendoutId of Sendout from which respondents are requested.

No description.

Adding Respondents

Add a new Respondent with optional background data to a Sendout.

Remember to (re-)activate the sendout after adding a batch of respondents to it.

POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/respondents
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.
sendoutId Integer Mandatory SendoutId of Sendout to which a respondent is added.

Parameter Type Optionality Remark
contactDetails String Mandatory Valid email address, SMS recipient or login identifier.
sendMail Boolean Mandatory Indicates whether Netigate should send the survey link to the respondent, or if you distribute it yourself.
backgroundData Dictionary<int, string> Optional Key = BGDataLabelId, Value = respondent's background data (not empty or null)

No description.

Adding Multiple Respondents

Add new Respondents with optional background data to a Sendout in a batch.

Remember to (re-)activate the sendout after adding a batch of respondents to it.

(A maximum of 1000 respondents can be added in a single batch)

POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/respondents/batch
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.
sendoutId Integer Mandatory SendoutId of Sendout to which a respondent is added.

Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyRespondents List<RespondentRequest> Mandatory Valid RespondentRequest

No description.

Listing Reminders

List all Reminders for a Sendout.

GET /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/reminders
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.
sendoutId Integer Mandatory SendoutId of Sendout from which reminders are requested.

No description.

Creating a Reminder

Create a Reminder for a Sendout.

POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/reminders
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.
sendoutId Integer Mandatory SendoutId of Sendout to which a reminder is added.

Parameter Type Optionality Remark
sendoutLogic String Mandatory Valid SendoutLogic describing whom will receive the reminder.
sendDate ISO8601 date Mandatory Send date.
sender String Mandatory Valid email address or SMS sender.
subject String See remark Optional for SMS.
message String Mandatory Email body or SMS message, including survey link.

No description.

Listing Background Data Labels

List all background data labels in a Sendout.

GET /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/labels
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.
sendoutId Integer Mandatory SendoutId of Sendout from which background data labels are requested.

No description.

Creating a Background Data Label

Create a background data label in a Sendout.

POST /surveys/<surveyId>/sendouts/<sendoutId>/labels
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.
sendoutId Integer Mandatory SendoutId of Sendout to which a background data label is added.

Parameter Type Optionality Remark
name String Mandatory Name of the background data label.
labelType String Mandatory Valid LabelType.

No description.


Listing Categories

List all Categories in an Account.

GET /accounts/categories
No description.

No description.

Retrieving a Category

Retrieve a specific Category in an Account.

GET /accounts/categories/<categoryId>
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
categoryId Integer Mandatory CategoryId of requested Category.

No description.

Creating a Category

Create a new Category in an Account.

POST /accounts/categories
No description.

Parameter Type Optionality Remark
name String Mandatory Name of the Category.

No description.


Listing Users

List all Users in an Account.

GET /accounts/users
No description.

No description.

Retrieving a User

Retrieve a specific User in an Account.

GET /accounts/users/<userId>
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
userId Integer Mandatory UserId of requested User.

No description.

Background Data

List Background Data Documents

List all Background Data Documents in the account.

GET /bgdata/bgdocuments
No description.

No description.

Retrieve a Background Data Document

Retrieve a specific Background Data Document

GET /bgdata/bgdocuments/<bgDocumentId>
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
bgDocumentId Integer Mandatory DocumentId of requested Document.

No description.

List Document Labels

Retrieve all Labels for a specific Document.

GET /bgdata/bgdocuments/<bgDocumentId>/labels
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
bgDocumentId Integer Mandatory DocumentId of requested Labels Document.

No description.

List Cells

Retrieve specific Cells from a specific row in a bgdocument.

POST /bgdata/bgdocuments/<bgDocumentId>/rows/<respondentId>
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
bgDocumentId Integer Mandatory DocumentId of requested Document.
respondentId Integer Mandatory Row identifier for a specific row/respondent.

Parameter Type Optionality Remark
labels List<int> Mandatory List of the Label Id:s to specify which cells to return.

No description.

Add row to a Document

Adds a new row of cells in the background data document.

POST /bgdata/bgdocuments/<bgDocumentId>/rows
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
bgDocumentId Integer Mandatory DocumentId of requested Document.

Parameter Type Optionality Remark
contactDetails string Mandatory Every row/respondent need contact details. Valid email address, SMS recipient or login identifier.
cellData Dictionary<int, string> Mandatory Dictionary of the Label Id:s and Cell Data to specify which cells to edit with what data.

No description.



List all blocked and opt-out respondents in account.

GET /accounts/blocklist
No description.

No description.

Email bounces

Get permanent failures

Returns page of permanent failures

GET /email-bounces/permanent-failures?pageNumber=<Integer>&pageSize=<Integer>&sendingDomain=<String>&from=<ISO8601Date>
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
pageNumber Integer Mandatory Number of page to retrieve
pageSize Integer Mandatory Size of page to retrieve (1000 is MAX)
sendingDomain String Optional Filter permanent failures by sending domain
from ISO8601 date Optional Filter sendouts by date

Property Type Remark
failures Array Collection of email permanent failures objects
Property Type Remark
id uuid Internal id of permanent failure
customerId Integer Id of the Customer
surveyId Integer Id of the Survey
sendoutId Integer Id of the Sendout
surveyMailerId Integer Id of the SurveyMailer
respondentId Integer Id of the Respondent
email String Email address for which sendout failed with permanent failure
sentAt ISO8601 date Sendout date
bouncedAt ISO8601 date Bounce date
numberOfAttempts Integer How many Email Service Provider attempt to deliver email before returned permanent failure
sendingDomain String Domain from which sendout was made
bounceReason Bounce Reason object
Property Type Remark
message String Message describing bounce reason
description String (optional) Further description of bounce reason
code Integer SMTP error code of bounce
enhancedCode String (optional) SMTP enhanced error code of bounce
pageNumber Integer Number of returned page
pageSize Integer Size of fetched size
pageCount Integer Total number of pages for requested pageSize
totalCount Integer Total number of permanent failures

Data Retention

Get account policies

Returns account wide data retention policies

GET /data-retention/account
No description.

Property Type Remark
partialDeleteAfterDays nullable Int Number of days after survey end that a partial delete will occur
completeDeleteAfterDays nullable Int Number of days after survey end that a complete delete will occur
includeOpenTextInPartialDelete Boolean Indicates whether open text answers will be deleted as part of the partial delete.

Set account policies

Sets account wide data retention policies

POST /data-retention/account
No description.

Property Type Remark
partialDeleteAfterDays nullable Int Number of days after survey end that a partial delete will occur. Must be positive when set or null to clear setting
completeDeleteAfterDays nullable Int Number of days after survey end that a complete delete will occur. Must be positive when set or null to clear setting
includeOpenTextInPartialDelete Boolean Indicates whether open text answers will be deleted as part of the partial delete.
No description.
No description.

Get survey policies

Returns survey specific data retention policies

GET /data-retention/surveys/<surveyId>
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.

Property Type Remark
surveyPolicy.partialDeleteDate nullable Date only (string) The date after which a partial survey delete will occur
surveyPolicy.completeDeleteDate nullable Date only (string) The date after which a complete survey delete will occur
respondentPolicy.partialDeleteAfterDays nullable Int Number of days after survey end that a partial respondent delete will occur
respondentPolicy.partialDeleteAfterDays nullable Int Number of days after survey end that a complete respondent delete will occur
excludeFromRetentionPolicies Boolean Indicates whether the survey should be excluded from any data retention policies.

Set survey policies

Sets survey specific data retention policies

POST /data-retention/surveys/<surveyId>
Parameter Type Optionality Remark
surveyId Integer Mandatory SurveyId of requested Survey.

Property Type Remark
surveyPolicy.partialDeleteDate nullable Date only (string) The date after which a partial survey delete will occur. Must be greater then survey end date or null to clear setting
surveyPolicy.completeDeleteDate nullable Date only (string) The date after which a complete survey delete will occur. Must be greater then survey end date or null to clear setting
respondentPolicy.partialDeleteAfterDays nullable Int Number of days after survey end that a partial respondent delete will occur. Must be positive when set or null to clear setting
respondentPolicy.partialDeleteAfterDays nullable Int Number of days after survey end that a complete respondent delete will occur. Must be positive when set or null to clear setting
excludeFromRetentionPolicies Boolean Indicates whether the survey should be excluded from any data retention policies.
No description.
No description.